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Bus Slip Enforcement

In order to provide a safe environment for shuttle passengers and to help ensure efficient traffic flow on campus, strict enforcement will be in place for all bus slip areas.  Campus members who are waiting for a ride from a private vehicle, car service, taxi, etc., please be aware of the following:

–          Vehicles may not be parked or stand in or near bus stops or slips on campus, even for a few minutes.

–          5 minute free pick-up/drop-off spaces have been put in place on the ground level of the West Village Garage and on Linthicum Drive between the CLA Quad and Dowell.  Drivers must remain with the vehicle while waiting for their passengers.

–          An immediate pick-up/drop-off area is in place at the West Village Garage side pull-off.  The passenger must be waiting for the vehicle or exiting the vehicle immediately.  To allow others to pick-up and drop-off their passenger, vehicles cannot wait in these areas.

–          Vehicles in violation are subject to citation and towing.

–          Please follow the direction of posted signs and staff in the areas.

Let’s keep things moving!  For additional information, please visit the Parking & Transportation Services’ website at www.towson.edu/parking   or call the office at 410-704-PARK.   Questions can also be sent to uPark@towson.edu.
