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Dr. Xiaoyin Wang: “Bayesian Dominance Analysis on Math Placement Policy”

Dr. Xiaoyin Wang, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics in the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics, will present her sabbatical talk “Bayesian Dominance Analysis on Math Placement Policy”, on Monday May 14th at 1pm in the York 7800 building, room YR 320.  Abstract.  The R package {BDom} is developed to implement the estimation and inference methods of Bayesian analysis of Dominance Analysis to assess the relative importance of predictors in linear regression models. The Dominance Analysis approaches the problem of relative importance by examining the change in $R^2$ resulting from adding a predictor to all possible subset regression models. They can be applied to Ordinary linear regression and/or generalized linear regression models. This method and is applied to a study of the math performance of first-time freshmen at the Department of Mathematics, and serves as an introduction to the package and displays basic functionality of the commands contained within.