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Sabbatical Talk: Yong-yeon Ji, Department of Management

“Labor Dynamics Surrounding Non-Regular Employment in Korean Public Education Systems”
Sabbatical Talk
Yong-yeon Ji, Department of Management
FRIDAY, MAY 4 | TIME: 10 A.M. | ROOM: ST 106

Part of the College of Business and Economics’ Development & Research Conference

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to explore labor dynamics surrounding non-regular employees at Korean public school systems. Non-regular employees claim that there is prevailing unfairness against them regarding a) workplace discrimination or harassment, b) unfairness in pay structure, and c) employment insecurity. Incorporating the grounded theory perspectives and interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA), I plan to confirm and develop preexisting theories by exploring how non-regular employees make sense of their own life experiences at work. Using qualitative analysis, I report the research findings derived from interviews two group of people: a) non-regular employees such as temporary teachers or lecturers and contractual staff members, and b) regular employees or managers who share a common interest with the non-regular employees. In addition, I discuss implication drawn from this research and make suggestions for improvement of Korean public education systems.