TU home | T3 | CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: 2018 Re-Imagining Black Girls' and Women's Health Symposium and Workshop

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: 2018 Re-Imagining Black Girls’ and Women’s Health Symposium and Workshop

We are seeking interested individuals (students, staff and faculty) who are willing to serve as volunteers for the 2018 Re-Imagining Black Girls’ and Women’s Health Symposium and Workshop Thursday, May 17, through Saturday, May 19. Examples of where we may need volunteers include:

  • Escorts for speakers and panelists
  • Registration table
  • Moderators and/or monitors during breakout sessions
  • Workshop facilitators

If this is something you are interested in doing, please come to our meeting on Friday, April 27, at 12:00pm in the College of Liberal Arts building, room 2302.

We look forward to seeing you! Don’t forget to register for the event. It’s free for TU students, faculty and staff:


For more information, contact Corey Dunning in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at cdunning@towson.edu.