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Signature Forums Speaker Series: Fight. Flight. Freeze.

Toxic psychological stress—violence, poverty, neglect, abuse—has negative effects on a child’s brain. How does this trauma alter a child’s brain? What are the effects on behavioral, social, and emotional functioning? How does this affect society?

Dr. Bethany Brand, one of the world’s foremost authorities in psychological trauma, will provide important insight into brain function changes in adults due to childhood trauma and the repercussions for our society.

Tuesday, April 10
4:00–6:00 p.m.
TU West Village Commons

Information + Registration

The Signature Forums Speaker Series is open to the public as well as faculty, students, and staff. The event is hosted and moderated by Dr. Nancy Grasmick. Grasmick is the former superintendent of Maryland State Schools and is Towson University’s first Presidential Scholar for Innovation in Teacher and Leader Preparation.