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This Friday – College of Education Info Session

Have you ever thought about a career in education? Come learn more on Friday, February 23, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in Hawkins Hall, Room 209. The College of Education will be hosting an information session for current TU freshmen about the benefits of careers in education. The session will provide you with an overview of programs and career opportunities and the chance to speak with faculty and current education majors. Free pizza is included!
Did You know…

  • The median salary nationally for teachers as of May 2016 was $58,030 versus an average of $37,040 for all occupations.
  • The beginning salary for a teacher in Anne Arundel County is $45,891; Baltimore City is $48,430; Baltimore County is $46,974; Harford County is $44,346; and, Howard County is $47,588.
  • The U.S. Department of Labor (2018) predicts that jobs in education will grow by 8% from 2016 to 2026, keeping pace with increases across all occupations and generating 1,018,700 new jobs in education.

Learn more about TU’s education programs>> 

We hope you’ll join us on February 23rd!

Dr. Laurie Mullen

Dean, College of Education