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Towson University Identity Audit Update

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Towson University is in the process of a five-phase Identity Audit – an extensive research-based process to help define and express what makes TU distinct.

A TU Brand Team, made up of staff, faculty and students from across the campus collaborated with our creative partner and drafted a new brand platform for the university.  In the past several months, those drafts were shared with 16 different campus divisions, departments, councils and groups representing all parts of the university community. In addition, key messages were formally tested in focus groups with internal and external audiences including staff, faculty, current students,  prospective students and prospective students’ parents.

We listened to the feedback – all of the feedback. We heard what resonated, what felt true and authentic to the TU experience, as well as what didn’t. As a result, updates and changes were made to reflect the input received on and off campus. This process has clarified Towson University’s unique identity and is something the campus community can be proud of building together.

A newly updated brand platform and set of key messages is now complete. View the final version and learn more about the complete feedback that guided the revisions.

To view the process in more detail, you can visit the Identity Audit webpage.