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Study Abroad Scholarships for Australia and New Zealand ISA Programs!

It’s not too late to study abroad in Spring 2018; applications to study abroad with ISA in Australia and New Zealand are still open! The Study Abroad Office is pleased to announce an automatic $500 scholarship for Towson University students studying abroad on the following ISA programs:
University of Newcastle, Australia – apply by November 15th, 2017
University of Auckland, New Zealand – apply by November 1, 2017
James Cook University (Cairns & Townsville campuses) – apply by November 15th, 2017

In addition to these scholarships, students are also eligible to apply for ISA scholarships.
Students interested in studying abroad with ISA must apply for approval through Horizons in addition to applying directly to ISA. For more information on the study abroad process, please come to a Group Advising session – offered Monday-Friday at 2pm in Psychology #408.