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Safe Summer Tips from TUPD

The Towson University Police Department would like to wish everyone a happy, fun and safe summer, and also a few safe driving tips.

Avoid distracted driving. All distractions while driving, including texts and phone calls, endanger drivers, passengers and pedestrians. On average, more than 30,000 people are injured or killed annually as a result of distracted driving. Please take proper precautions and minimize all distractions before driving–don’t use your phone, don’t text, pull off the road if you’re drowsy and pay attention to the road and your surroundings.

Avoid aggressive driving.  Aggressive driving is a combination of moving traffic offenses meant to endanger other persons or property. This behavior includes speeding, following others too closely, running red lights, improper passing, and weaving in and out of traffic. When frustrated by others’ driving, remember you can’t control traffic–but you can control your own driving and emotions.

Here are ten tips you can use to practice safe driving:

  • Always Wear Your Seatbelt: Seatbelts are your best defense in a crash and reduce the number of injury and fatal crashes
  • Focus: Being a safe driver means being both physically and mentally prepared to drive
  • Minimize Distractions: Any activities that interfere with your driving are more than you can safely manage
  • Know Your Surroundings: Look out for trouble. Scan the roadway continually for hazards and keep your eyes moving
  • Share Space: Share the road with other drivers, many crashes can be prevented if drivers are courteous to one another
  • Watch Your Speed: Posted speeds are for ideal driving conditions, slow down if road and visibility conditions are reduced
  • Keep Your Distance: Give yourself room to maneuver, keep a safety cushion around your vehicle
  • Signal Your Intentions: Be predictable; let other drivers know what you plan to do. Use your signals and horn if needed
  • Know Your Route: Know where you’re going ahead of time
  • Maintain Your Vehicle: Read your vehicles owner manual and follow recommended maintenance schedules

For more information please visit the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration “Safety Programs,” or contact Sgt. Ronald Harris (rharris@towson.edu) or Cpl. Kia Williams (kdwilliams@towson.edu) of the Community Outreach Unit.

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