TU home | T3 | The Old-New Anti-Semitism: Rhetoric, Hate Speech, and the American Political Landscape

The Old-New Anti-Semitism: Rhetoric, Hate Speech, and the American Political Landscape

Join us on Thursday, April 27th in LA 2310 at 6:30pm for an evening with Dr. Benjamin Sax as he explores how basic speech acts in language can be transformed into vandalism, intimidation, and violence. Historical anti-Semitism entered into political discourse through the language of xenophobia, jingoism, and nativism during the rise of European nationalism. Anti-Semitism today can be expressed in a variety of ways. We will examine how the language of anti-Semitism is being used in our contemporary American political situation to grapple with the broader issues concerning immigration, security, and who has a right to reside in this country.

Reception to follow immediately after talk.


Sponsored by the Center for Student Diversity and Towson University Hillel.