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Today! COE Dean’s Sabbatical Lecture, Dr. Janese Daniels

Supporting New and Early Career Teachers in Maryland Public School Systems: Perceptions, Reality, and Finding Communities of Support

Dr. Janese Daniels

March 15 2017, 1–2 p.m.
Towson Room, Cook Library


In this sabbatical presentation, findings from an exploratory study on the needs of new and early career teachers will be discussed. This study explored the needs of early career teachers regarding their perceived needs for support during the pre-tenure period, what types of support they received, and what they would like to have received to ensure that they remained in the profession beyond the pre-tenure period. Early findings indicate that early career teachers want multiple mentoring models, access to faculty in colleges of education from institutes of higher education, and that they seek a sense of professional community early in their careers. Recommendations for partnerships between IHE and local public school systems to help support new and early career teachers will be shared.