TU home | T3 | Paint Night sponsored byTU Staff Council. March 16th, 7:00 pm.

Paint Night sponsored byTU Staff Council. March 16th, 7:00 pm.

Come enjoy a night of painting and fun with fellow TU employees!  This event will held at Bill Bateman’s, 7720 York Road.  Painting begins promptly at 7:00 pm.

Cost for this event is $25.00 and covers all painting supplies. Seating is reserved in advance on a first come, first paid basis prior to the event.  Payment method is cash only. Food and beverages may be purchased during the event.

To RSVP, please contact the following individuals to arrange payment:

Ginger Ross (event coordinator)

410.704.3639, Center for the Arts, Rm. 3103CC

Sue Auzmendi

410.704.2262, Linthicum Hall, Rm. 116