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March is National Nutrition Month!

Free Nutrition Counseling for Students: Do you have questions about healthy eating, weight management, finding healthy foods on campus? Contact Kerry Ballek, campus dietitian, for an appointment: kballek@towson.edu.

Free Grocery Store Tours March 14 and March 28 6 p.m. at the ShopRite in Timonium. Learn how to shop for healthy foods, read food labels, buy healthy snacks and get all of your questions answered by a registered dietitian. Space is limited so sign up early. Contact Kerry Ballek, campus dietitian for more information and to sign up: kballek@towson.edu.

Veggie Challenge:  Student Health Services and Towson Dining is  rewarding TU students to eat their veggies! To enter, upload a pic of yourself eating vegetables to social media using the hashtag #LettuceEatWell or #TigersStriveForFive. Contact KRoller@towson.edu for more information. The challenge runs March 1 – March 13.

National Whole Grain Sampling Day March 29: Discover the taste of healthy whole grains in the dining halls.

Nourish TU: Look for the Nourish TU column in the Towerlight. The articles are written by members of the TU Nutrition Club.

TU Nutrition Club: If you are interested in nutrition and would like to help educate other students on the importance of healthy eating then join the club! Contact Kerry Ballek, Campus Dietitian for information: kballek@towson.edu.

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