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NEDA Week is Coming!

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week takes place from February 27th – March 3rd. An estimated 20% of college students have eating disorders and many more struggle with body image and appearance. It’s time we take eating disorders seriously as public health concerns. It’s time we bust the myths and get the facts. Join the Body Image Peer Educators in a week full of activities promoting body positivity.

We’re kicking off the week on Monday 2/27 with free eating disorders screenings!! Individual relationships with food and eating can be complicated. Sometimes the line between diet and eating disorders can become blurred. If you’re curious or concerned about your relationship with food or your body, come get a free screening in the University Union between 11am and 2pm. For more information about NEDA Week and upcoming events, contact Kiran Kaur at kkaur3@students.towson.edu.