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Have a Happy, Safe and Healthy Winter Break

Student Health Services and The Health Center wants the TU community to have a happy, safe and healthy winter break. Whether staying local, traveling within the US or traveling abroad, there are some general health precautions that everyone should take.

  • Handwashing is the best way to reduce disease transmission
  • Keep your immunizations up-to-date including an annual flu shot
  • Reduce sexually transmitted diseases by practicing safe sex
  • Review Centers for Disease Control (CDC) travel advisories at https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices

Zika virus is not the only travel concern. The CDC had issued travel advisories related to Zika, Yellow Fever, Polio, MERS, Measles, and Chikungunya for travel to destinations throughout the world. These diseases can be transmitted in different ways. Some are transmitted from mosquito to person, some via droplets such as from a cough, as well as sexual transmission.   Practicing safe sex is always recommended. Keeping skin covering and using Deet containing insect sprays will help protect against mosquito bites. Routine childhood immunizations protect against some of these diseases, while others require special pre-travel vaccines. If you are traveling to an affected area, speak to your health care provider or the Health Center regarding your immunity status and whether there are any recommended vaccines specific to your travel destination.

Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday and winter break.