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Faculty Seminar on Humanitarian Logistics Research

The e-Business & Technology Management Department presents the fall installment of its annual seminar series:

“Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research: A Bibliometric study on central themes and trends”

Presented by
Tobin Porterfield, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Towson University

Friday, Nov. 4 at 3 p.m.
Stephens Hall, Room 310


Humanitarian logistics and supply chain management research is a relatively new area with much of the published journal articles having been generated in the past fifteen years. The area of research has been evolving with motivation from major natural disasters and increased pressure from donors to improve the efficiency of humanitarian operations. In order to organize and understand the existing literature, a bibliometric analysis is conducted applying quantitative tools for the analysis of trends, citations, and co-citations. Preliminary results suggest an increasing volume but a concentration of journals and a fragmentations of contributing authors. Co-citation relationships are being evaluated using a dense network subgrouping algorithm which results in clusters or communities of interest around topics within the area.

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