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Sabbatical Presentation – Application of Function Theory to Different Optimization Problems

Speaker: Sergiy Borodachov, Department of Mathematics


Title: Application of Function Theory to Different Optimization Problems.


Abstract: In this talk I will discuss two results of my research work completed during the sabbatical. The first result describes the asymptotic behavior of the maximal weighted Riesz polarization in the hyper-singular case (joint work with D.P. Hardin, A. Reznikov, and E.B. Saff). The second result provides a solution to the problem of optimal global recovery of three times differentiable functions on a multidimensional parallelepiped based on their values and gradients at its vertices. I will also mention my other sabbatical activities, which include development of a Senior Seminar course on selected topics from Discrete Geometry and my contributions to our joint research monograph with D.P. Hardin and E.B. Saff on the minimal energy problem.


Thursday, September 29, 4:00-5:00 PM in YR320.