TU home | T3 | Changes to Kenilworth/Southerly Shuttle Route – Quarters bus stop relocation

Changes to Kenilworth/Southerly Shuttle Route – Quarters bus stop relocation

Due to ongoing construction that is negatively affecting our ability to maintain the established schedule, Stop #35 (Southerly Road at the Quarters) on the Kenilworth Shuttle route will be relocated to the MTA stop at the corner of Fairmount Avenue and Delaney Valley Road effective immediately.  This change will likely be in effect for the remainder of the academic year.

Please monitor TUTigerride.com for real time shuttle predictions and current schedules.  For additional information, please visit the Parking & Transportation Services website at www.towson.edu/parking   or call the office at 410-704-PARK.

We appreciate your patience during this transition.

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