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Nutrition News from the Campus Dietitian

Check out some of the awesome nutrition related programs and activities available to you on campus!

  • FREE Nutrition Counseling for students. Contact Kerry Ballek, Campus Dietitian, kballek@towson.edu
  • TU NUTRITION CLUB! Are you interested in nutrition? Would you like to learn more about different aspects of nutrition? Would you like to help educate other students about nutrition and healthy eating by participating in our events on campus? Then join the TU Nutrition Club. We are also in need of executive board members.
  • Nourish TU articles in the Towerlight every other week. Articles are written by the TU Nutrition Club members.
  • Follow us on Facebook @ Towson University Nutrition Club
  • September is Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month. More than 90 percent of people in the U.S. do not get the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Most college age students need between 2.5-3 cups of vegetables per day and about 2 cups of fruit per day. Go to choosemyplate.gov to find your exact needs.
  • Towson dining offers many fruit and veggie options on campus. Visit our website to find out more.edu/dining, Programs, Vegan/Vegetarian
  • EVENTS! Eating Well and Being Active Wednesday 9/21 11-2 p.m. in the Union, 2nd floor lobby. An interactive mini health fair featuring health, nutrition and exercise information along with prizes and free food!

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