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Fire Safety Guidelines

Time can save lives! If you see or suspect a fire, remain calm and immediately activate the fire alarm pull station. University buildings should be immediately and totally evacuated whenever building fire alarms are sounding. Do not attempt to fight fires – evacuate!

Report fires by phone from a safe place outside the building. Call 911 from any on- or off-campus phone or cell phone. For additional information regarding fire emergencies, please refer to the Emergency Resources Guide at https://www.towson.edu/publicsafety/documents/ergfinal-27-2012-18.pdfor the Fire Emergency Policy at https://inside.towson.edu/generalcampus/tupolicies/documents/11-01.01%20Fire%20Emergency%20Policy.pdf

If you have any questions about fire safety guidelines, please contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at 410-704-2949.

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