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Playing Pokemon Go? Read this.

Pokémon Go has become popular worldwide, and TU is no exception. To date, our campus has not experienced any problems associated with the game, but other colleges and communities have reported crimes targeting its users. If you’re playing Pokemon Go on or off-campus, please consider the following for your safety:

  • Pokéstops and Pokégyms are focal points that attract more users. People with criminal intentions may take advantage of this. Make sure to look up and stay aware of your surroundings. It’s best to visit Pokéstops and Pokégyms during the day, with a friend or in a group.
  • Avoid areas that are isolated, especially if you are alone.
  • Some Pokémon will randomly appear in dangerous locations, such as roads, bodies of water, or inside construction sites. Realize when one is out of reach and don’t risk your safety to retrieve it!
  • Some Pokémon appear on private property. Do not trespass to catch Pokémon.

When looking for Pokémon, avoid becoming overly focused on your phone screen. Look out for obstacles, tripping hazards and other dangerous situations.
  • Avoid parking lots, roadways and busy intersections. Stay on sidewalks and in designated crosswalks as much as possible. It is your responsibility to make yourself visible to vehicles, bicyclists and other pedestrians. Always follow traffic safety rules.
  • You should never catch Pokémon (or do other screen-intensive things on your phone) while operating a motor vehicle, bicycle or skateboard.  It creates a hazard for you, other drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.

If using earbuds, leave one ear open so you can hear what is happening around you.
  • Keep your information secure!  Make sure to check your Pokémon Go security settings so you know what kind of information the app collects.

Have fun playing Pokemon Go, but remember to be safe! Get additional safety tips and information on TU’s free walking escorts and SafeRides on the Public Safety website.


Tips courtesy of Auburn University

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