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New Software Session: get started with Skype for Business in a 10 minute video!

Skip the workshop, watch a brief video instead – OTS Training’s “Software Sessions” is a series of comprehensive videos that condense 90-120 minutes of technology training into 10 minutes. Each video is chaptered, giving you quick control over watching the segments that you need. You can watch the full video to learn how to use campus technology resources and applications, or navigate to a specific topic–on your schedule. OTS Training welcomes feedback in the comments section under the video, or by email at OTStraining@towson.edu.

Now Available: Skype for Business. In the newest Software Session video, instructor Rodney Urand gives tips on how to get up and running with Skype for Business (part of Office 365). Learn how to instant message colleagues, send attachments, share your screen and schedule a meeting.

For more Software Session videos, select the desired technology topic on OTS Training’s Self-Help Learning Resource Web page.

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