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Parking – License Plate Update Reminder

Parking & Transportation Services uses License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology to maintain license plate data and make sure all vehicles parked on TU’s campus are parked legally.  All vehicles parked on campus, who are not utilizing a visitor parking must have a long term TU permit and be registered with Parking & Transportation Services.

If your vehicle is already registered on your parking account, you do not need to re-register it for the upcoming academic year.

There are two easy ways to register a vehicle:

  1. Online by logging into your eParking Click Vehicles Tab at the top of the screen.  Click Affiliated Login and enter your TU Net ID and password to log in.  The vehicles currently on your parking account will be listed.  Click Add Vehicle at the bottom of the screen to add a vehicle.  It is very important to enter license plate information correctly.


  1. Complete and submit the Add Vehicle Request Form.

Important Parking Information

  • Only vehicles owned by you or a family member in the same household may be registered to your parking account.
  • If you need to register a vehicle that does not meet this criteria (rentals, non-family members that are not Faculty/Staff or students at TU), you must complete and submit a VEHICLE EXCEPTION FORM.
  • You cannot register the vehicle of another student, faculty or staff member to your parking account.
  • All vehicles you plan to park on campus using your parking permit need to be registered, including rentals.
  • Rentals and borrowed vehicles must also include the end usage date, at which time the relationship to that vehicle will be ended.
  • To end a relationship to a vehicle that is no longer owned by you or a family member, complete and submit a Remove Vehicle Request Form.
  • Permits may not be “Shared.”  Everyone must purchase his or her own long term permit in order to park vehicles on campus or purchase a daily visitor parking permit.
  • A vehicle may only be registered to one parking account.
  • Violators to any of these regulations are subject to a $300 fine and vehicle towing at the owner’s expense for sharing a permit.
  • If you are interested in Carpooling to campus, see our website for more information.

For additional information, please visit to Parking and Transportation website or call the office at 410-704-PARK.
