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Pride Keynote Speaker: Aisha Moodie-Mills

This Wednesday, April 20th we will be having our Pride Keynote Speaker, Aisha Moodie-Mills, come speak about political issues within the LGBT community and the importance of voting in national and local elections. This event will occur at 6PM in the University Union, Potomac Lounge.

 A short bio about Aisha C. Moodie-Mills is below:

Aisha C. Moodie-Mills is the President and CEO at the Victory Fund and Institute, the nation’s largest resource for openly LGBT public officials. Throughout her career, Aisha has served as a political advisor, private-sector liaison, and fundraiser to more than 50 members of Congress, including six senators and the Congressional Black Caucus. She made numerous headlines as a key strategist and spokesperson for the campaign that brought marriage equality to the District of Columbia, where she and her wife, Danielle, were among the first same-sex couples to receive a marriage license. Please spread the word and encourage others to attend!

For more information contact Ashley Luster at aluste2@students.towson.edu