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Sabbatical Presentation by Stuart Stein, Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education

Sabbatical Presentation:  Friday, April 15, 2016; 3:00 – 4:30 pm – Center for the Arts 2032


Stuart Stein, Art

The Depiction of Motion in Mono–Scenic Works

Stuart’s sabbatical work focused on a specific investigation of how the artist renders the illusion of time passing, or evidence of more than one “instant,” within a single work or frame. He looks at artifacts of motion from film stills as well as compositing multiple images within one work.  Some aspects become very specific as the directional displacement of information similar to a motion blur that can be done digitally.  These artifacts of motion are a subject in themselves and the work produced some beginning conclusions about the attempt at rendering what is essentially, an illusion of time.  [3:00–‐3:40 including Q&A]


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