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StrengthsQuest for Career Exploration & Development

How can you apply your strengths as you explore a career path?  Learn about your top five talent themes and how you can apply them to careers. Towson University has collaborated with Gallup to provide TU students an opportunity to learn about their strengths and how they can enhance their personal, professional and academic aspirations.

For starters, you’ll receive a code allowing you to take an online psychological assessment that identifies your top five talent themes.  Then, you’ll attend a workshop to process the results and learn how to nurture your talents. This workshop is designed specifically to help participants begin to utililze the StrengthsQuest approach to achieve academic excellence.

What:  StrengthsQuest Talent Identification Workshop: Focus on Career When: Thursday, April 14, 12:00PM TO 1:00PM

Where:  UU 0314

Please sign up using this form: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ec5gxjgf2aeb6deb&oseq=&c=&ch=