TU home | T3 | If you have a website on tiger.towson.edu, it’s time to move!

If you have a website on tiger.towson.edu, it’s time to move!

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) is retiring the tiger.towson.edu server that hosts individual websites and file storage for students. All data will be backed up by OTS to each student’s account on a student file share, but website content will not be viewable or accessible on the web after June 30, 2016.

If you have a website on tiger.towson.edu (http://tiger.towson.edu/~yourusername), you will need to select a new web publishing option and move the content from your website on tiger.towson.edu to your newly created site.

This process will need to be completed before June 30, 2016 to keep your site publicly available, but new options are available now. OTS strongly recommends finishing the process before the end of the spring semester, if not sooner.

For help with moving your website contact Student Computing Services at 410-704-5151. More details about the new server and migration will be communicated at the end of the semester.
