TU home | T3 | COFAC COLLOQUIUM 26 - FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016


Presentations for the Colloquium will take place in Center for the Arts, room 2032 on Friday, March 4, 2016 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm.

Jonathan Leshnoff, Music

Symphony No. 2: Innerspace

For his sabbatical project, Jonathan Leshnoff composed his second symphony which was premiered in November 2015 by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Jonathan will discuss the project, touching on such topics as inspiration, motivation, harmony, and process. He will also play a 15 minute–‐excerpt from the symphony. Scores will be provided for those who would like to follow along. [2:00–‐2:40 including Q&A]


Julie Potter, Theatre Arts Towson University’s Historic Clothing Collection: From Boxes to Exhibition

Following on the heels of a very successful January exhibition, Julie Potter will provide background and insight into the historic clothing collection. She will talk about the process of evaluation, cross–‐ referencing, recording, curating, researching, and designing the exhibit. She will display some of the garments, provide images of other pieces of clothing, and provide detailed analysis of them.  [2:50–‐3:30 including Q&A]

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