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ICYMI: Diversity Workplace Climate Survey Results

TU’s Faculty and Staff Workplace Climate Survey was distributed during the fall 2014 academic semester. We thank the members of our faculty and staff that took time to share their thoughts and experiences. Approximately 25% of TU’s employees completed the survey. The feedback that was provided is greatly appreciated and informs our efforts to advance the university’s mission as it relates to strengthening institutional commitment to diversity and inclusion.

A report containing survey results and TU’s institutional response is available on the website of the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity at:  http://www.towson.edu/odeo/documents/InstitutionalResponseto2014surveyR2.pdf

For more information about the survey and Towson’s Strategic Diversity Goals please contact Debbie Seeberger in Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity 410-704-2360, dseeberger@towson.edu.