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Campus Forum on Diversity, December 9th

For some time, Towson University has been a part of the conversations currently taking place on college campuses across the nation focusing on the issues of diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. We understand the importance of creating an environment where every member of our community feels welcome, and where all students have the opportunity to thrive and realize their full potential.

While we are proud of the many efforts of our faculty, staff, and students to foster a climate of inclusion and respect, we also know that we can all do more and that our work in this arena must continue.

On Wednesday, December 9th, at 6 – 8 p.m. in the University Union’s Chesapeake Rooms, the President’s Diversity Coordinating Council and members of our community will come together for a campus-wide forum to continue our dialogue about making Towson a more inclusive and welcoming campus. We will: 

  1. Share the results of the November 30th Student Diversity Work Session;
  2. Review Towson’s current diversity efforts and future actions related to themes identified by students; 
  3. Listen to your ideas and solutions toward achieving Towson’s diversity goals.

We recognize the challenges we face, and as an academic community we can use this opportunity to put our best thinking toward creating solutions. To take these important next steps and to help make Towson University be the very best it can be, we need the perspectives and involvement of many groups. Join us to be part of a collaborative approach to address the complex issues facing our community and our world at this time.

We look forward to seeing you on December 9th at 6 p.m. in the University Union Chesapeake Rooms. 

Thank you,

 President’s Diversity Coordinating Council