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The Geological Society of America Hosts Free Public Lecture by Simon Winchester & Exhibit Hall

The Annual Geological Society of America meeting begins this Nov. 1 at the Baltimore Convention Center.  7,000 geologists will attend and present 4,700 talks and research posters.  This year marks 200 years since the first geological map was published in England by William Smith.  This ‘map that changed the world’ was the subject of Simon Winchester’s book, “The Map the Changed the World.”

On Sunday, Nov. 1, from 4-5 pm, Winchester will give a free public lecture at the Baltimore Convention Center.  He is a very engaging and entertaining speaker.  After the talk, Winchester will sign copies of “The Map…” and/or his new book that is being released on October 27th – “Pacific.”

Additionally, the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Exhibit Hall will be open after the talk, and attendees of the Winchester talk will receive a free ticket to enter the exhibit hall.  Browse the corporate, industrial, publisher and educational exhibits.  Pick up free giveaways.  Shop for rock and mineral specimens and gemstone jewelry.  See what it’s like to be a professional geologist!