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Getting a quick workout while at work

The physical aspect of driving requires flexibility and strength. Being limber helps your entire body to move more freely, allowing you to observe the road from all angles. It will also increase comfort on long drives, and can assist in warding off fatigue, helping to improve reaction time and allowing you to be better focused. Hours spent sitting, whether at your desk or on the road, can be tough on your body. But there are simple exercises you can do right at your desk or during a rest stop to help you improve your body’s flexibility and strength. Take every opportunity to get yourself moving, even if just for a few minutes at several intervals throughout the day. Just be sure to check with a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Park in the outer areas of parking lots to get in some extra steps
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Stand up when you talk on the phone or attend a meeting
  • Take a brisk 10-minute walk during a break, a rest stop or at lunchtime

Do some simple exercises at your desk. This link from the Washington Post has some great moves that include visuals: www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/health/workout-at-work/

PlanAhead – Your key to driving safely.