TU home | T3 | It’s Drive Safely Work Week- Rent a Car Like a Boss

It’s Drive Safely Work Week- Rent a Car Like a Boss

Before driving off the lot:

  • Check for a fully inflated spare tire, jack and lug wrench
  • Stow luggage in the trunk
  • Check under the vehicle for leaks
  • Check floor mats for bumps or tears and make sure they are in proper position
  • Adjust seat, steering wheel and head restraint and buckle up
  • Start engine and make sure no caution lights come on
  • Get familiar with dashboard, steering wheel and steering column controls
  • Check if headlights are automatic or manual
  • Load destination into the GPS and set for voice directions. Consult a paper map before heading out to be prepared in case GPS fails
  • Silence and stow cell phone

PlanAhead – Your key to driving safely.