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Drive Safely Work Week

Maryland has a clear, unified mission when it comes to traffic crashes – to move the state Toward Zero Deaths. There have been many strides made toward achieving this goal, but there have also been challenges that need to be faced in order to continue making progress. Traffic crashes are tragic, preventable occurrences and making the public realize this fact, in effect stigmatizing traffic crashes in the same manner as crime, is the only way to elevate the importance of traffic safety in the public eye.

Prevention and preparation have become priorities in many areas of our lives – ideally, we get regular health screenings, see the dentist and put savings away for retirement. Yet many of us still feel defenseless when facing a threat that we’re willing to bet each and every one of us have been affected by in some way—motor vehicle crashes.  We want to help you take control of your safety when on the road and so next week TUPD is participating in Drive Safely Work Week.

Through postings on T3 daily areas of emphasis will help you:

  • Remember to take time to plan your journey – even those that feel routine
  • Prepare for driving situations that take you into unfamiliar areas
  • Take precautions to ensure you’re driving with a clear head
  • Learn to navigate the changes we all experience as we age and how they may affect driving
  • See some important reasons to plan ahead when it comes to driving situations that involve family members

Thomas Edison once said, “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”  As we journey through Drive Safely Work Week, let’s rethink our driving practices and establish new habits to help improve our odds of always arriving safely at our destination—whether it be the office, school, a meeting, a ballgame or home.

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