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Minimester, maybe?

Minimester 2016 Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs

Are you ready to plan your next adventure? Let us help you.

Check out one of our NINE Minimester programs in NINE different countries:

Costa Rica, France, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Israel, Italy, Panama, and the United Kingdom


These are FACULTY-LED programs. What does that mean?

Led by a TU faculty member .. you may already know them!

You’re taking a TU course, just in another country.

Receiving TU credit. No if’s, and’s, or but’s!

Take a look at our faculty-led course offerings and see what you think.


Minimester 2016


Contact us with questions at 410-704-2451 or studyabroad@towson.edu.

TowsonAbroad: How Big is Your World?