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News from the Campus Dietitian and Towson Dining

FREE Nutrition Counseling for students. Contact Kerry Ballek, Campus Dietitian, kballek@towson.edu

TU NUTRITION CLUB– Are you interested in nutrition? Would you like to learn more about different aspects of nutrition? Would you like to help educate other students about nutrition and healthy eating? Then join the TU Nutrition Club.

Facebook: Towson University Nutrition Club

President: Jackie Kernan jkerna2@students.towson.edu

Advisor: Kerry Ballek MS RD LDN CDE kballek@towson.edu

First meeting Wednesday 9/16/15 5 p.m. Contact us for the location.


ATTENTION VEGANS/VEGETARIANS: To expand the vegan and vegetarian options on campus we have added a vegan/vegetarian cookbook to our current T-Veggie program. The cookbooks are located in the Newell Dining Hall, Glen Marketplace and the West Village Commons dining hall. Students can look through the book, choose a recipe, gather the ingredients from the stations in the dining hall and take your meal to a cook/attendant to be prepared for you. These recipes are available every day in addition to our regular menu items.


