TU home | T3 | While you were away, Microsoft released Windows 10 - Do Not Install on Campus Computers

While you were away, Microsoft released Windows 10 – Do Not Install on Campus Computers

Microsoft released Windows 10 to the public on July 29, 2015 as its latest operating system. This free upgrade is available through the Windows Update tool. However, do not upgrade campus computers since there are known compatibility issues with essential campus systems. Additionally, support and training will not be available for the campus until extensive testing has been completed. Once the Office of Technology Services (OTS) has determined that Windows 10 is ready for campus-wide deployment, more information will be communicated.

As in the past, OTS will be collaborating with other technology professionals on campus to evaluate and test the new operating system. Usability and compatibility with our University products and services are vital.


  • Late Summer / Early Fall – OTS and the Windows 10 Team will test the operating system for software and hardware compatibility. This is necessary to better understand how the functionality of the new operating system works and what it will take to support it on our campus.
  • Late Fall – Testing will be introduced to other departments on campus.


  • If you need to buy new university-owned computers before full support begins, OTS strongly recommends sticking with Windows 7 or 8 until OTS advises otherwise.
  • The current University Windows 7 configuration has proven to be stable and reliable; moving to Windows 10 prematurely may lead to unwanted surprises and frustration if university products and services do not work as expected.
  • When using personal funds to buy computers for on-campus use, only limited support will be available until OTS is prepared to support the new OS.


  • Faculty and staff office computers currently running Windows 7 should continue with the current operating system for the remaining lifecycle of the computer. This may reduce the chances for compatibility problems with existing software, hardware, drivers and network resources.
  • Towson-owned computers are managed by OTS and should not see Windows 10 upgrade as an option. If for some reason you see this option, do not upgrade.

The Windows 10 upgrade has significant changes from Windows 7. Explore all of the Microsoft Windows 10 features.

For additional questions, concerns or suggestions about Windows 10, please submit a TechHelp service request.
