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Lynne Dowell Obituary

Lynne Dowell, a compassionate advisor and mentor to Towson students, the former Director of the Academic Advising Center on campus, an adjunct faculty member in the English Department, a published poet, a nature enthusiast, and an animal lover, died early in the evening of Saturday, May 2nd at home.  Lynne was instrumental in building the staff and programs of the Academic Advising Center over more than fifteen years until her retirement in 2010.  A Towson graduate herself, Lynne not only taught students to write but helped them to find their voice in writing.  Her colleagues and friends knew her to be bright, insightful, kind, and funny with an incisive way of cutting to the heart of the matter.   The obituary that appeared in the Baltimore Sun on May 6th can be accessed at: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/obituaries/bs-md-ob-lynne-dowell-20150505-story.html