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Seminar: Why isn’t STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) More Diverse? Gender, Race and LGBT Inequality in Science and Engineering Fields

Workshop presented by Dr. Erin Cech, Department of Sociology, Rice University on April 23, 2015 6-9 PM in Smith Hall 356


Decades after Title IX, why do we continue to see the under-representation of women, racial/ethnic minorities and LGBT individuals in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) professions? Drawing on social science research, I discuss several facets of this complicated question: climate issues in college, challenges in the workplace, and taken-for-granted beliefs in the cultures of STEM professions.  The workshop will end with an interactive discussion of how we can promote diversity and inclusion.


Please contact Dr. Gail Gasparich at ggasparich@towson.edu if you have any questions.