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Benefits Bulletin:  Administrative Leave FAQ

The recent inclement weather has caused University delays and closures.  To assist you in completing your time sheet for those days, please review the administrative leave FAQ and use the decision tree below as a guide. Questions should be directed to Davia McKenzie at dmckenzie@towson.edu or Michelle Dacey at mdacey@towson.edu.

Administrative Leave FAQ

Q: What is the purpose of administrative leave?

A: Administrative leave is intended to replace the hours you would have been at work, but for the University closure, delay, or early dismissal. If you would not have been working during the hours the University was closed, you are not eligible for administrative leave.


Q: I work four 10-hour days and the University was closed for inclement weather on the day I am not scheduled to work. Do I need to indicate administrative leave on my time sheet?

A: You only use administrative leave if you were scheduled to work on the day the University was closed, delayed, or had early dismissal.


Q: I worked even though the University was closed. Can I bank the administrative leave for use on another day?

A: Administrative leave cannot be banked. If you are a non-exempt employee, indicate the hours you worked on your time sheet.  If you are an exempt employee, indicate D for duty day.


Q: I was scheduled to take personal leave on the day we had a delayed opening. How do I charge leave for that day?

A: You will charge personal leave for the entire day; administrative leave does not apply.


Q: The University opened at noon, but I was off all day due to inclement weather where I live.

A: All lost time for the day must be charged to your accrued annual or personal leave. To qualify for administrative leave, you must report to work at the time the University opens.


Q: I normally report to work at 8 am and work until noon. The University did not open until 10 am.  I reported to work at 10 am and I worked until noon.  How many hours of administrative leave should I charge?

A: You would charge two hours of administrative leave.


Q: I did not report to work due to inclement weather, even though the University opened late. May I use sick leave for my absence?

A: Sick leave may not be used for inclement weather absences.


Q: The University closed at 3 pm, but I left at 2 pm. May I use administrative leave?

A: You must remain at work until the time the University officially closes. If you left earlier, you must use your accrued personal or annual leave.


Q: I am a faculty member and I did not report for work as my classes were cancelled. How do I indicate this on my time sheet?

A: That day should be left blank on your time sheet (remove the “D” for duty day).


