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My Name is Not Baby, Featuring Baltimore Hollaback

A conversation exploring the intersections of media, gender-based violence, communities of color, lgbtqia identities, veterans and street harassment. Featuring Baltimore Hollaback! and Fostering Activism and Alternatives NOW! (FAAN).

Shawna Potter is the Founder and Advisory Board Member of the Baltimore chapter of Hollaback! Her proudest moments have been as a member of the Transgender Response Team, by assisting in planning Transgender Day of Remembrance, organizing and participating in the Stand With Us video PSA series, and co-creating Best Practices Bulletin #1: Survivor Services and Transgender Clients.  She also co-wrote the Street Harassment Fact Sheet for MCASA with Holly Kearl of Stop Street Harassment. After organizing the first Baltimore Slutwalk in 2011, Shawna has learned much about creating spaces more welcoming for women of color, and has made a personal pledge to keep checking her privileges and to keep doing better.

In 2012, Shawna became a Worldwide Visionaries Contributing Member and in 2013 she was awarded a Pollination Project grant to develop an art-empowerment program for youth in Baltimore. As a board member, she continues to train venues for the Safer Spaces Campaign, which won a Research Associates Grant in 2014 and screams for War On Women.

Chantelle Bateman organizes and teaches on street harassment and media representations. She is also an organizer with Iraq Veterans against the War, spoken word poet and organizer for The Right To Heal Campaign, which addresses sexual assault in the military. March 26th, 7:00 pm in the University Union Potomac Lounge.