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fasnacht (noun): free donut!

Towson Abroad will be celebrating Fat Tuesday just one day late on Wednesday, February 18! It snowed on Tuesday, cut us some slack.

Grab a free donut on the second floor of COFAC between 12 and 1 p.m. today.

So what’s up with the donuts? Fat Tuesday is also known as Fasnacht Day, part of a Pennsylvania Dutch and German tradition to celebrate the day before Lent begins. Lucky for you we’re promoting a summer faculty-led program to Germany this summer!

Stick around after you get your free fasnacht and hear from Professor Carrie Fucile in the Art department about her Contemporary Visual Art program in Berlin.

Can’t make it? Read more about the program in our Q&A with Professor Fucile on the blog: http://wp.me/p2S0DC-uc

Towson Abroad: How big is your world?
Contact us to find out: 410-704-2451 or studyabroad@towson.edu

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