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Faculty & Staff Kudos

Faculty Kudos College of Business and Economics David Brannon (Management) presented a paper, “Creating Innovative Business Models,” at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference in Fort Worth, Texas in January. Islam Elshahat and Aru Rao (Accounting) had an article, “Does Corporate Governance Improve Bankruptcy Prediction?,” accepted for publication in Accounting and […]

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The Associate Kicks Off Tenth Anniversary Season

This spring, the College of Business and Economics celebrates the tenth anniversary of its signature business case competition—The Associate. Adapted from the NBC series The Apprentice, the competition provides students with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase their business acumen while competing for a full-time job offer. The TU community is invited to follow the 2014 […]

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CBE Professors to Present Sabbatical Work

CBE Professors Bharat Jain, Doug Ross and Filiz Tabak will present their sabbatical research work at the College of Business and Economics’ third annual Development & Research Conference on Friday May 3. The event, which features sessions from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., brings together students, faculty and the business community to share applied research. […]

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CBE Career Fair in Stephens Hall Thursday

The College of Business and Economics is hosting a career fair exclusively for business, accounting, e-business and economics students on Thursday April 11 from noon to 3 p.m. in Stephens Hall. This is  a great chance to make connections with organizations hiring for internships or full-time paid positions. Employers that will be present: 2nd Floor […]

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