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Faculty & Staff Kudos

Faculty Kudos

College of Business and Economics

David Brannon (Management) presented a paper, “Creating Innovative Business Models,” at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference in Fort Worth, Texas in January.

Islam Elshahat and Aru Rao (Accounting) had an article, “Does Corporate Governance Improve Bankruptcy Prediction?,” accepted for publication in Accounting and Financial Studies Journal.

Lasses Mertins and Charles Martin (Accounting) had an article, “Winstar Communications: Corporate Fraud and Auditing Procedures,” accepted for publication in The CASE Journal.

Aru Rao, (Accounting) had an article, “Traditional Gender Roles and Job Attribute Preferences: A Look at Viewpoint of Male and Female Accounting Students,” accepted for publication in Academy of Business Research Journal.

Natalie Scala (e-Business and Technology Management) had an article, “Managing Nuclear Spare Parts Inventories: A Data Driven Methodology,” published in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

College of Health Professions

Lillian Carter (Health Science), Laurencia Hutton-Rogers (Health Science), and Niya Werts (Health Science) presented a workshop titled Sailing the Uncharted Waters of E-Intimacy at the Center for Family Life Education’s National Sex Ed Conference in Meadowlands, NJ on December 12, 2013.  Laurencia Hutton Rogers also presented Spiritual Selves vs. Sexual Selves: Opportunities for Sexuality Education at the same conference.

Mary Sharon Curran (Nursing) presented Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program for Young Adults at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society’s 11th annual conference in Tampa, FL on February 14, 2014.

Cyrus Engineer (Collaborative Programs) was invited to present Assessing Health Systems in Conflict Settings—Afghanistan at the Production and Operations Management Society’s International Conference in Hyderabad, India from December 19-22, 2013.

Martha James-Hassan (Kinesiology) presented Adapting Kinesiology Curricula for the 21st Century and A Holistic Approach to Physical Education Teacher Education Curriculum Revision at the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education’s Collaborative Congress conference in San Diego, CA on January 9-10, 2014.  Dr. James-Hassan also acted as a panelist at the conference.  All Congressional Members participated in all day sessions with the intent of laying the groundwork for International Kinesiology Programs for the next decade and beyond.


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