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Benefits Bulletin: New – Benefits Office Services and Walk-in Hours

The Benefits Office is implementing walk-in hours for routine inquiries and services in order to better serve the campus community. Effective January 1, 2015, the walk-in hours will be:

Mondays: 1 to 5 p.m.

Tuesdays: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Thursdays: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Outside of these times, in-person meetings are available by appointment.


Many of the commonly requested benefits forms are available here: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/benefits/index.asp. Hard copies of the forms are also available in the Office of Human Resources (OHR), Administration 101.

Employees can submit documents to the Benefits Office via

  • campus mail (addressed to HR, Administration Building);
  • fax (410-704-6321);
  • or by dropping the document off at the OHR in Admin Building room 101.


To more quickly process your requests, please contact the point person listed for each of the Benefits Services outlined below.

  • ADA – Michelle Dacey
  • Health benefits enrollment, changes, and terminations for regular and direct pay – June Hindle
  • Leave calculation and benefits information for employees transferring within USM – Davia McKenzie
  • Leave counseling – Family Medical Leave, parental leave, advanced sick leave – Michelle Dacey
  • Leave payout upon separation – Davia McKenzie
  • Manages the benefits, leave, and timekeeping functions – Donna Yeagle
  • Retirement – June Hindle and Donna Yeagle
  • Supplemental retirement enrollment, changes, and termination – June Hindle
  • Timesheet adjustments & corrections – Davia McKenzie
  • Timesheet approval group changes – Michelle Dacey
  • Tuition remission approval and processing – June Hindle
  • Workers’ Compensation – Michelle Dacey