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Thinking about grad school? Ask the experts all of your questions!

There are so many questions to consider—How do I find the right program? Should I apply now or work a year or two first? How do I manage my time if I still have to work? What if I have family obligations? Should I go to grad school full or part time?

Ask the experts during a Q&A with a panel of current TU graduate students at the How to Grad School: From Picking It to Living It workshop Wednesday, November 12 from noon – 1 p.m. Learn from their experience and consider their advice as you make decisions about this next important step in your career. Refreshments will be served.

Learn more about The “How-To’s” of Grad School series today!

For more information, contact the Career Center by calling 410-704-2233 or visiting www.towson.edu/careercenter.