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Undergraduate Research Grant Opportunities

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The Office of Undergraduate Research supports undergraduate research through three competitive programs: research grants, travel grants, and small project awards. These programs are offered in addition to the resources provided by university colleges and departments to undergraduate students. All original scholarly and creative activity appropriate to any discipline at our university is eligible for funding. This includes, for example, research in natural and social sciences, artistic performances, and works of art.

Please be reminded that the application deadline for these awards always falls on the 4th Friday of the semester.

The upcoming fall 2014 deadline is September 19.

Please visit the Office of Undergraduate website http://www.towson.edu/undergradresearch to locate information about these programs, as well as application forms.

Please note, as stated on the website, that an electronic version of the proposal (including the cover page and letter of support (if applicable) should be sent as a single PDF document to the Office of Undergraduate Research (undergradresearch@towson.edu). Please make sure that the cover page is filled in completely. Applications not following these guidelines will not be considered.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office via email or telephone. In addition, you are welcome to visit the office in person or to set up an appointment.

Dr. Vonnie Shields

Director, Office of Undergraduate Research

Chair, Undergraduate Research Committee

Rm. 311A Provost’s Office, Administration Building

Email: undergradresearch@towson.edu

Tel: 410-704-3753

Fax: 410-704-4916

Office website: http://www.towson.edu/undergradresearch


Interim Chair & Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Rms. 345 & 357, Smith Hall

Towson University

8000 York Road

Towson, MD 21252-0001

Email address: vshields@towson.edu

Tel: 410-704-3130

Fax: 410-704-2405

Personal website: http://pages.towson.edu/vshields/