TU home | T3 | Retirement Party for Ria Zimmerman

Retirement Party for Ria Zimmerman

Ria Zimmerman, Financial Services Help Line Supervisor, will be retiring from Towson on June 30, 2014.  Ria started work at TU over 17 years ago spending most of her career assisting employees campus wide with their questions and concerns regarding payroll, business travel and accounts payable.  A retirement dinner is planned for Ria on Wednesday, June 18.

When: Wednesday, June 18, 5 p.m.

Where: Johnny Dee’s Lounge
1706 Joan Ave. (Next to Immaculate Heart of Mary)

Cost: $30, includes contribution to the gift

Menu: Chicken sauteed a la francaise
Penne Pasta
Green Beans
Salad and rolls
Soft drinks, tea, coffee
Cash Bar

RSVP: By June 9 with payment to Sue Brodie (sbrodie@towson.edu, or ext. 3494)


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