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Faculty & Staff Kudos

Donna Boling (University Police) completed the Workplace Professional Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for developing the skills of our support staff. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Sara Arnold-Garza (Research & Instruction) co-presented “Pump up the Classroom! Flipped Library Instruction for Enhanced Student Engagement” at the Maryland Library Association Conference May 8 in Ocean City, MD.

Sara Arnold-Garza (Research & Instruction) and Kimberly Miller (Research & Instruction) presented “The Flipped Canvas: Inverting Information Literacy Instruction” at LOEX 2014 May 10 in Grand Rapids, MI.

Joyce Garczynski (Research & Instruction) and Carl Olson (Research & Instruction) presented “Getting ‘Real’ with Government Publications: Making Government Information Relevant to Academic Library Users Using Real Life” twice; first at the 2014 Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference May 1 in Washington, DC, and then again at the Maryland Library Association Conference May 8 in Ocean City, MD.

Joyce Garczynski (Research & Instruction) presented “Putting the Value Back into Event Evaluation” at the Maryland Library Association Conference May 8 in Ocean City, MD.

Cheryl Harris (Office of Human Resources)completed the Workplace Professional Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for developing the skills of our support staff. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Claire Holmes (Research & Instruction) and Carissa Tomlinson (Research & Instruction) presented “Rev up Information Literacy Assessment: Use Rubrics to Close that Loop!” at the Maryland Library Association Conference on May 7th in Ocean City, MD.

Susan Mann (Dance) and Lisa Woznicki (Research & Instruction) published “If It Doesn’t Pay, It Doesn’t Stay: When the Archives Disappear” In the Fall 2013 issue of the Journal of Performing Arts Leadership in Higher Education.

Kimberly Miller (Research & Instruction) presented “iPowered One-Shots: Tablets in Library Instruction” at the Maryland Library Association Conference May 8 in Ocean City, MD.

Francien Scott (International Student and Scholar Office) completed the University Business Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for university employees responsible for business functions. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Beth Walsh (Event & Conference Services)completed the Management & Supervision Certificate, one of five noncredit certificates offered by the Office of Human Resources. This certificate is designed for those new to or interested in moving into a management role. Click this link to learn more about competency focus and certificate programs available to all faculty and staff.

Lisa Woznicki (Research & Instruction) published the article, “A Musical Dream Deferred” in Volume 20, Issue 1 of the Journal of the International Alliance for Women in Music.


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