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Signing Authority for University Contracts

This is just a reminder to university staff that university policy determines who can and cannot enter into contracts on behalf of Towson University. Pursuant to policy 08-03.01 Contract Execution Policy, the following university individuals may enter into/execute contracts:

• The President

• The Vice President and Chief Fiscal Officer

• The Vice President for University Advancement

• The Vice President for Student Affairs

• The Vice President for Division of Innovation and Applied Research

• The Athletic Director

• The Provost

Those individuals with permission to enter into contracts are subject to additional policies which dictate the type of contract that each individual is allowed to sign. To read the full text, please click here.

Pursuant to policy 08-03.00 Procurement, the Procurement Director may enter into/execute contracts on behalf of the university in accordance with USM Procurement Policies and Procedures. To read the full text, please click here.
